Nucleus healthcare

The Nucleus brand had not been changed or updated since it was spun off from its parent company in 2019 (for reference, Avengers: Endgame was the number 1 movie that year). It was a logo and a name—and not much more, but the company began to grow rapidly in 2021.  In 2022, with a new CMO in place, the company decided to prioritize the brand and its design functionality. I joined as the company’s first Creative Director to help build a completely new Nucleus brand and guide the company and leadership through implementing it.


Starting with nothing but an outdated logo, we set out to build an entirely new visual brand for Nucleus in 2022. We created an entirely new brand mark—comprised of an icon representing science, integration, and progress, with a bold, approachable, and modern word mark—followed closely by new usage and messaging guidelines, colors, typography, photography, and templates.


The website was completely rebuilt with new job search functionalities, blogs, and ways to apply for scholarships.